Before The Devil

Before The Devil

Count:  32

Wall:  4

Level:  Beginner/intermediate

Choreographer:  Alan Birchall

Music:  If You’re Going Through Hell by Rodney Atkins

Rock, recover, cross shuffle, turn ½ right, left shuffle

1-2 Rock right to side, recover on left
3&4 Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-6 Turn ¼ right and step left back, turn ¼ right and step right to side (6:00)
7&8 Step left forward, step right together, step left forward

Walk forward, kick ball step, front, side ¼ sailor turn

9-10 Step right forward, step left forward
Alternative: full turn left
11&12 Kick right forward, step right together, step left forward
13-14 Cross right over left, step left to side
15&16 Turn ¼ right and sweep right front to back and step right back, step left together, step right forward (9:00)

Full turn left, heel switches & claps

17-18 Turn ¼ left and step left forward, turn ¼ left and step right back
19-20 Turn ¼ left and step left to side, turn ¼ left and step right forward
Alternative: four walks forward. weight ends on right
21& Touch left heel forward, step left together
22& Touch right heel forward, step right together
23 Touch left heel forward
&24 Clap, clap

Rock, recover, full triple turn, front, side, behind, side, cross

&25-26 Step left together, rock right forward, recover on left
27&28 Triple in place turning a full turn right stepping right, left, right
Alternative: right coaster step
29-30 Cross left over right, step right to side
31&32 Cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right