Doctor Doctor

Doctor Doctor

Count:  80

Wall:  4

Level:  Intermediate level

Choreographer:  Masters In Line (Mar 04)

Music:  Bad Case Of Loving You by Robert Palmer


Walks forward x3 with kick, walks back x3 with touch

1-2 Walk forward on right foot, walk forward on left foot
3-4 Walk forward on right foot, kick left foot forward and clap hands
5-6 Walk back on left foot, walk back on right foot
7-8 Walk back on left foot, touch right toe next to left foot and clap hands


Stomp right, swivel heel, toe, heel, stomp left, swivel heel, toe, heel

9-10 Stomp right foot forward to right diagonal, swivel left heel towards right heel
11-12 Swivel left toe towards right heel, swivel left heel towards right heel
13-14 Stomp left foot forward to left diagonal, swivel right heel towards left heel
15-16 Swivel right toe towards left heel, swivel right heel towards left heel


Jump back and claps x4

&17-18 Step right foot back, step left foot back (feet shoulder width apart) clap hands
&19-24 Repeat steps &17-18 three times


Rolling vine to right, touch, rolling vine to left, touch

25-26 Make a ¼ turn right and step forward on right foot, make ½ turn right and step back on left foot
27-28 Make a ¼ turn right and step right foot to right side, touch left toe next to right foot
29-30 Make a ¼ turn left and step left foot forward, make a ½ turn left and step back on right foot
31-32 Make a ¼ turn left and step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot


Right shuffle, step ½ turn, left shuffle, step ¾ turn

33&34 Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward
35-36 Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right
37&38 Step forward on left foot, step right foot next to left foot, step forward on left foot
39-40 Step forward on right foot, unwind a ¾ turn left


Right side shuffle, rock back, left side shuffle, rock back

41&42 Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side
43-44 Rock back on left foot, rock forward on right foot
45&46 Step left foot to left side. step right foot next to left foot, step left foot to left side
47-48 Rock back on right foot, rock forward on left foot


Monterey turns x2

49-50 Touch right toe to right side, make a ½ turn right on ball of left foot, stepping right foot next to left foot
51-52 Touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to right foot
53-56 Repeat steps 49-52


Turning heel and toe syncopation

57&58 Touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot, touch left toe back
&59&60 Make a ¼ turn left stepping left foot next to right foot, touch right toe back, step right foot next to left foot, touch left heel forward
&61&62 Step left foot next to right foot, touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot, touch left toe back
&63&64 Make a ¼ turn left stepping left foot next to right foot, touch right toe back, step right foot next to left foot, touch left heel forward


& Stomp slow ½ turns x2

&65 Step left foot back, stomp right foot big step forward
66-68 Bounce heels 3 times as you make a ½ turn left (weight ends on right foot)
&69 Step left foot back, stomp right foot big step forward
70-72 Bounce heels 3 times as you make a ½ turn left (weight ends on left foot)


Stomp, stomp, clap, clap, hands on hips, hip roll

73-74 Stomp right foot to right side, stomp left foot to left side
75-76 Clap hands twice
77-78 Put right hand on right hip, put left hand on left hip
79-80 Roll hips anti-clockwise

Restart: After count 32 of the second wall restart the dance again.


Tag & restart: counting the restart as another wall the four count tag happens on the fifth wall after count 32 of the dance.

1-2 Step right foot out to right side as you pop left knee in, taking weight on left foot pop right knee in
3-4 Taking weight on right foot pop left knee in, taking weight on left foot pop right knee in
After the four-count tag, restart the dance again, the tag is very easy to hear.