Black Coffee

Black Coffee

Count:  48

Wall:  4

Level:  Beginner

Choreographer:  Helen O’Malley

Music:  Black Coffee by Lacy J. Dalton

Kick, kick, shuffle, kick, kick, shuffle

1-2 Kick right forward, kick right forward
3&4 Triple in place right, left, right
5-6 Kick left forward, kick left forward
7&8 Triple in place left, right, left

Touch, turn 1/8, touch turn 1/8

9-10 Touch right toe forward, turn 1/8 left
11-12 Touch right toe forward, turn 1/8 left

Rock, recover, shuffle with turn ½, rock, recover, shuffle with turn ½

13-14 Rock right forward, recover to left
15&16 Shuffle back turning ½ right and step right, left, right
17-18 Rock left forward, recover to right
19&20 Shuffle back turning ½ left and step left, right, left

Heel switches

21&22& Touch right heel forward, step right together, touch left heel forward, step left together
23-24 Touch right heel forward, clap

Step, shimmy, hold, step, shimmy, hold

25-26 Step right to side, drag left toward right

Shimmy shoulders as you drag

27-28 Step left together, hold
29-32 Repeat 25-28

Grapevine left, scuff

33-34-35-36 Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, scuff right forward

Right, click, cross, click, right, click, cross, click

37-38 Step right to side, click

Click fingers shoulder high in front

39-40 Cross left behind right, click

Click fingers low and behind yourself

41-42 Step right to side, click

Click fingers shoulder high in front

43-44 Cross left over right, click
Click fingers low and behind yourself

Step, turn ½, step, turn ½

45-46 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)
47-48 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)