I Love It



I Love It

Count: 32
Wall: 2
Level: Beginner
Choreographer: Holly Gilligan (CAN) – September 2022
Music: I Like It, I Love It – Tim McGraw

#32 count intro

[1-8] 2 toe struts, rocking chair
1-2 Press ball of right foot forward, lower heel taking weight
3-4 Press ball of left foot forward, lower heel taking weight.
5-8 Rock forward on right foot, recover weight to left foot, rock right foot back, recover weight to left foot.

[9-16] Repeat first 8 counts

[17-24] 2 slow ¼ left pivots
17 20 Step forward on right, hold, transfer weight to left as you turn ¼ left, hold.
21-24 Step forward on right, hold, transfer weight to left as you turn ¼ left, hold.

[25-32] Vines with touches
25-28 Step right foot to the right side, step left foot behind right, step right foot to the right, touch left foot beside right.
29-32 Step left foot to the left side, step right foot behind left, step left foot to the left, touch right foot beside right.

Repeat and enjoy!

Ends after 16 counts at 12 o’clock

Email: hollygilligan@yahoo.ca