A-B Whirl

A – B Whirl

Count:  24

Wall:  2

Level:  Beginner

Choreographer:  Val Myers

Music:  Dance! Shout! by Wynonna

Heel, clap, toe clap, heel struts forward twice

1-2 Touch right heel forward, clap
3-4 Touch right toe back, clap
5-6 Step right heel forward, drop right toe taking weight
7-8 Step left heel forward, drop left toe taking weight

Jazz box twice

1-2 Cross right over left, step back left
3-4 Step right to right to right side, step left beside right
5-6 Cross right over left, step back left
7-8 Step right to right to right side, step left beside right

¼ pivot turn left, stomp, stomp; twice

1-2 Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left
3-4 Stomp right in place, stomp left in place
5-6 Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left
7-8 Stomp right in place, stomp left in place